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Business Growth Consultant, since 2020, Certified Digital Marketer by Google, Hubspot, SEMRush & the Affluent Academy.

However, this is not how it started...

I first started out at around 17 year old, selling game CDs, which initially was a mess, but soon the experience gained, I was able to cover my bills and also more...

Then jumping from one offline sales environment to another, as a part-timer, again to over my college bills, this little hobby of mine became an obsession.

That is when I realized we all have the biggest opportunity to start our businesses now due to the internet, which has made it so so easy to reach out more than 10,000 customers in a month at such a low cost, that it seemed to me a no-brainer deal. That's when I started learning paid advertisement.

However, I always felt that there was a gap as we could not use the offline sales strategies in online businesses. Like how cool would it have been right?

During further research I stumbled upon Russell and Clickfunnels, and started learning from them. Some sales strategy I knew, some I learnt and some I connected the dots, but all in all I became really obsessed and that is how I started my journey as a FunnelBuilder AKA Funnel Hacker.

Funnels are the key to grow your offline business, and it the ABSOULTE TRUTH!

No matter what stage of business you're in, and I'm a strong believer of Selling something good as my Moral Obligation, hence I'm practically trying to coer every platform to reach out to YOU and give you the next Funnel that changes your business forever!

Since, I have a low credibility in the online sphere, and as an introductory offer, I'd love to provide my services at a very low cost for the time-being and I legitimately want you to SUCCED, no matter who your target customer is, I know you're business is going to HIT THE ROOF!!


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