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I am a full time teacher from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania! I have been teaching full time now for three years and I had a huge realization not only with me, but with a lot of other teachers I personally know. College didn't fully prepare us for the modern day classroom. I have a vision for preparing future teachers with everything I wish I had before starting in the classroom.

How would you like it if you had all the secret keys necessary to start a full time career in your chosen college degree? What if you knew all the answers and knew exactly what to do before you even got there? What if you had guides, plans, blueprints, advice from people already doing it and all the things you didn't know so you will be successful? That's what UltraEducator is all about! Providing all the unknown resources you never knew you needed!

Being an UltraEducator is not about being a perfect teacher. Far from it actually. It's about giving people tools, methods, and blueprints to set others up for success and creating a livelihood after you graduate with an education degree.

I found out that it is really hard to get a teaching job in Pennsylvania and other certain states. I know how to play the game and I want to show others how to get the teaching job they want too!


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