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Carina Ghionzoli was a little girl who only wanted to read and write stories. She sat alone with her imagination and made the stories come alive. The only people that mattered to her were her characters and the adventures they had. Then she grew up and had to live in an adult world for a bit as they curse us to do.

But the words called her daily, and she wrote and created psychological assessments, training, and self-development workshops.

She moved countries and discovered heaven with the opportunities to blog, write, proofread and edit. It was a heaven of words. She reveled in her words and her stories, and published on Medium, Arrivedo, where she discovered travel writing, and LinkedIn. She worked with a radio podcast network with 25 hosts; she wrote blurbs, posted on social media, marketing, and coached them to improve their shows. .

This year she rediscovered her characters and their adventures. She is hooked once more.

Then she discovered Funnel Rolodex and knew this is the perfect opportunity to serve her community and share her passion for words, by proofreading, editing, copywriting and coaching.

She looks forward to sharing her passion with you and your business!

Amazing stuff.


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