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What I do is create opportunity and empowerment around peoples health and finances, who I am is a *Sparkler* that stands for Hope and transformation for people just like you, all over the world.

My Name is Becky Raney, and welcome to DoTERRA, truly a gift from the earth. I found DoTERRA Essential Oils, when I was feeling completely defeated with food allergies and seeing my life slowly be disintegrate. My husband, since 1992, Larry and I opened and operate Print & Copy Factory, and even though the business is wonderful, we have found God's blessing with the oils and would love to share the healing powers with everyone, as they have touched us. Please feel free to contact me, and/or or attend one of our classes! May you find the open heart to try the oils, and experience the healing powers for yourself and your family.


I had major food allergies probably my whole life but never was able to have a doctor figure out what was wrong with me. In 3rd grade I was diagnosed with ulcers, 7th grade there is a picture of me with a bottle of Maloxx, and also when I got married, when I was 24 there is a picture of me in my wedding dress and a bottle of Maloxx. I always struggled with my stomach. When the economy crashed in 2008, I was a mess, the stress was so overwhelming that I was unable to sleep, my hormones where out of whack, I was gaining weight on salads, and I could not think straight. I finally went to a natural path and she had me do a blood test that was going to help find out if I had allergies, and sure enough, the results came back and I was 100% allergic to Eggs, dairy, sugar, corn, soy, almonds, peas, whey, .. and oysters. I was super sensitive to red meat as well. Going to the natural path, I tried all of her probiotics, they would work for a few weeks and then stop working. I was going through about $250 worth of pills a month and nothing was helping. On top of all of this, I was going to an acupuncturist. I eventually ended up with Frozen Shoulder.

Then one day a girlfriend came into the printshop and I had not seen her in a long time, and she asked me how I was doing - and of course I had to go into all of the problems I was having. She ran out to the car and got a bottle of digestion. And told me to rub some on my stomach. I did not like the smell of the oil, but was so desperate, nothing else was helping. And oh my gosh, instantly I could feel relief. The rest is history, I went to a class, and then started the vitamins, and then detoxed and then the probiotics and enzymes. The support that these supplements provide have been life changing.


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