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About name is Thomas, and like many of you I'm just a pretty ordinary person. I have a beautiful wife and 4 year old daughter that I just absolutely adore! My online entrepreneurial journey started a year ago when I grew tired of a toxic corporate work environment, as well as, a very stressful and demanding work schedule that left me little quality time to spend with my family. Although I've enjoyed an IT career that provided great financial rewards and a standard of living many IT Professionals would die for, the toxic work environment, stress and lack of quality time left to spend with my family took it's toll. So, after 18 years of working tirelessly on days, nights and weekends I decided that I'd had enough! Nowadays I'm successfully implementing affiliate marketing principles I've learned and building a livelihood online. I still enjoy helping other like I did in IT but today that's evolved into building sales funnels, writing copy, crafting irresistible offers, driving traffic and building a rewarding online business I can enjoy. Reach out to me if you need help in any of these areas...I've been in the same shoes when I began my online journey...I remember exactly what it was like starting out with no idea, no product, no list and no traffic! Here to your success

Thomas Alexander

"You're Build To Be Epic!"


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