Funnel Builder Marketplace Logo


I am the co-founder with my husband of a non-profit organization called the Fort Worth HOPE Center (, and I am trying to use Click Funnels to raise money for our organization. Also, we have a "School of HOPE" that is a forklift and Logistics school where we are advertizing it and registering students for our school. I've been through the "One Funnel Away" once, and I'm now going through it for a second time. I am ready to launch my funnel but afraid I didn't do it right, and I need someone to help me go through it to see if I did it right and add some things I want to be added.

I also need a Donation page to add to my "Adopt a Family" emails to raise Thanksgiving money. I need that ASAP. This will be our first project. So, needless to say, I need your help.


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