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Google Ads Accelerator (Wordstream & Google Ads Certified)







Go further with your Adwords experience by leveraging the expertise of the company with the most ad budget under management, Wordstream.

We leverage their incredible third-party software to maximize the impact of your ads on Google Ads. Plus we consult directly with Wordstream on our behalf of our clients.

Beyond that... we're also Google Ads Certified!

Let us do the heavy lifting in getting your Google Ads account set up and fully operational.

We'll do all the keyword research, create three ads per keyword group, and if you decide to retain us on a monthly basis, we'll optimize your account as much as possible.

Oh yeah... plus you get the added bonus of working directly with a Clickfunnels Certified partner. =) 



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3 Days Delivery

Refund Policy

No refunds are possible for Google Ad account set up.

Tyler Clark


Member since October 2018